What's this, you ask? Intermission? What's going on? Well, we explained it on Wednesday, but we'll forgive you if you didn't read all that. You know what month it's going to be tomorrow, don't you?
And what happens in November?
What's National Novel Writing Month, you say? Well. It's the perfect opportunity for any cracked flash writer to really go all out, particularly if you've never done it before. Ever wanted to write a novel? THIS IS YOUR CHANCE TO DO IT. 50k in 30 days? It sounds insane, but--
We have fath in you.
On this note, all of your judges are participating in NaNoWriMo, and CFFC is going on a hiatus until after November.
What are we going to do now, you cry? Well, here's the scoop: We'll give you some prompts, and, following the usual rules, you send your stories to crackedflash@gmail.com -- OR, if you're participating in NaNoWriMo, send us a 300 word excerpt (or shorter) of your WIP, and we'll post it up on the site along with other flash fiction stories!
Judges this Week: We're not going to judge your pieces (but we will read them!). If you don't like the 'competition' part of CFFC, then November is the month for you!
How: Write a story off one of the prompts, or select an excerpt from your Nano project, and send it to crackedflash@gmail.com. Only one story per person, purty please.
For Flash Fics, include with your email: Title for your piece, word count, something to call you by, and somewhere to find you online (e.g. Twitter handle, blog, etc.,.).
For Excerpts, include with your email: The title of the work that the excerpt comes from, something to call you by, somewhere to find you online (e.g. NaNo profile, Twitter handle, blog, etc.,.), and a short blurb (~50 words) of your WIP if you like. (If you have a link to your WIP up for people to read, you can totally include that, too.)
When: From right now (Saturday, 12:01 AM PDT) to Tuesday evening (~6:00 PM PDT).
Stories/Excerpts posted: Next Wednesday, around 12 PM to 3 PM.
Remember for flash fics: The prompts can be mutilated. But you should keep the one you choose at the beginning of your story! And you don't have to use the photo(s).
What are we going to do now, you cry? Well, here's the scoop: We'll give you some prompts, and, following the usual rules, you send your stories to crackedflash@gmail.com -- OR, if you're participating in NaNoWriMo, send us a 300 word excerpt (or shorter) of your WIP, and we'll post it up on the site along with other flash fiction stories!
Judges this Week: We're not going to judge your pieces (but we will read them!). If you don't like the 'competition' part of CFFC, then November is the month for you!
How: Write a story off one of the prompts, or select an excerpt from your Nano project, and send it to crackedflash@gmail.com. Only one story per person, purty please.
For Flash Fics, include with your email: Title for your piece, word count, something to call you by, and somewhere to find you online (e.g. Twitter handle, blog, etc.,.).
For Excerpts, include with your email: The title of the work that the excerpt comes from, something to call you by, somewhere to find you online (e.g. NaNo profile, Twitter handle, blog, etc.,.), and a short blurb (~50 words) of your WIP if you like. (If you have a link to your WIP up for people to read, you can totally include that, too.)
When: From right now (Saturday, 12:01 AM PDT) to Tuesday evening (~6:00 PM PDT).
Stories/Excerpts posted: Next Wednesday, around 12 PM to 3 PM.
Remember for flash fics: The prompts can be mutilated. But you should keep the one you choose at the beginning of your story! And you don't have to use the photo(s).
Your Prompts!
- It was a ridiculous costume.
- "He's dead. Dead." // "Why?" // "Pumpkin spice."
- "Arright, that's enough eggnog for you." // "It doesn't have alcohol in it!"
- Her candy was gone. This was unacceptable.
- Would the children never stop coming?
Remember: crackedflash@gmail.com